Molten Sauce is a review blog for hot sauces. Opinions expressed in posts are Whiskey Mike's alone and not of the Molten Sauce podcast's other participants. Comments on posts are the poster's opinions and no one else's.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Rogue: Moruga Blood Orange Scorpion Pepper Sauce
Hello again chiliheads! I'd like to apologize again for last week's lack of a substantial post. I just didn't get a sauce order that I was hoping to get. No matter! Today I'm going to talk about Rogue Moruga Blood Orange Scorpion Pepper Sauce by High River Sauces. I will admit that, at first, I was excited for this sauce because I assumed that a brewery of which I am fond was associated with this sauce. This was not to be the case. No matter! On with the examination!
I like the label but I'm not amazed by it. It looks nice and I like the rendering of the peppers in their respective formation. With that said, I think the logo it a bit amateurish, though I like the cute scorpion tail descending from the "G". It's nothing that I'll write home about but it's not something I'll flush down the toilet in disgust either.
I love the color here. It's a nice deep red with just a hint, an implication if you will, of orange, appropriately. The bit of lightness suggests a summery heat. The consistency, however, is not something I'm even partially a fan of. It's a runny and relatively thin sauce, so be careful while pouring. The bottle is not fit with a dripper insert, as most thin sauces are, and I think that is a mistake in delivery here. I may actually put one of my own on this bottle.
The flavor on this one is nice. I taste a nice note of fruit up front. I detect a freshness of apple, which is fun. I also taste a bit of another fruity sugar though I can't totally identify it. I assume it's blood orange from the name of the sauce but that doesn't jump out at me, so I will leave that as an assumption. All in all the flavor is well balanced and left me feeling positively.
This sauce is nice and hot, but not close to the upper echelon in regards to heat. It's more of a surface of the tongue burn with one interesting and unique property: it felt like the burn finished as a full body one. I even felt flushed for a couple of minutes after a good tasting. I have experienced sauces that have done this to me in the past, but they're relatively rare.
At a price of $7.99 this is not a bad deal (though the shipping cost of shipping at $3.50 is fairly high). I think that I'll try this on my tacos next week as I think that'll be a good pairing with the fruitiness of the condiment. I'll put a dripper insert on it first.
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